Crunchr Stories is your HR dashboard creator. With hundreds of pre-built metrics and visualizations, you can create a fully customized Story within minutes. Adjust your metrics and visualizations on the fly with simple drag-and-drop widgets. Track your key metrics and KPIs. Apply any filters that you like and drill down. Making beautiful HR dashboards has never been this easy.
Easily select, adjust, resize or rearrange your preferred metrics and visualizations to design your desired dashboard.
Drag and drop functionality lets you create your Story effortlessly. Making your HR dashboard has never been this easy.
Crunchr comes with a large set of pre-built HR metrics, allowing you to create your Stories at record speed. Custom metrics can also be added.
Let Crunchr take care of the heavy lifting of data pulling and manual calculations, so that you can focus on telling your Story.
Strong filtering capabilities allow users to slice and dice Stories across the organization. Easily drill down to see the data behind the insights.
Adjust your metrics and visualizations on the fly with simple drag-and-drop widgets.
Easily share your Story and decide who can see what based on role and field-based authorizations.
Crunchr works as a layer on top of your existing data sources. It automatically pulls and consolidates your data in one clean place.
From recruitment to talent management. From span of control to business data. Crunchr Stories enables you to make beautiful dashboards.
Arrange your visualizations across multiple pages, track targets, and add free text to contextualize your insights and to build a narrative.
Director Global People Business Partnership – SITA
Crunchr Stories is your go-to-solution for HR dashboards. Forget about spending all your time on data pulling and manual calculations. With Stories, you design your dashboards with a simple drag and drop. Contact us now for a Stories demo!